Seasoned Burdock And Pickled Radish, 250g

[청정원 우엉과단무지]
An essential ingredient for making gimbap, Daesang's Seasoned Burdock and Pickled Radish brings a delightful crunch and balance to your homemade creations. The sweet and sour yellow radish helps keep your gimbap fresh and non-greasy, while the pickled burdock adds a full texture and crunchy taste. This versatile duo can also be enjoyed as a flavourful side dish. 

Storage Tip: If you can't finish the entire packet, combine 2 cups of water, 1 cup of vinegar, and 1 cup of sugar in an empty container. Keep the pickled radish and burdock in this vinegar-sugar mixture to maintain their freshness.

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