
Can I cancel my order?

You can cancel your entire order up to 48 hours before delivery. Please note that cancellations and any refunds are subject to a 4% bank transaction fee.

How is my order packed?

Your order will be packed in a cooler bag with an ice pack for refrigerated items.

What happens if an item is out of stock?

If an item you ordered is out of stock, we'll inform you and issue a refund.

Can all items in your physical store be found online?

Although we make an effort to offer a wide range of items both in-store and online, discrepancies in product availability might exist between the two. Certain items could be exclusively available online. If you're seeking a particular item at our retail store, we suggest contacting us at +65 69703898 in advance to check its availability. Notably, due to packaging constraints, some items might only be found in our retail store and are not available online.


What are the delivery charges?

Delivery is free islandwide for all orders above S$120. For orders below S$120, the delivery fee is S$15.

What days do you deliver?

We deliver on Wednesdays to Saturdays between 12:00PM to 6:00PM.

The cut-off time for next-day delivery is 12:00PM the day before.

Is self pick-up available?

You can pick up your order from our store at 593 Havelock Road, #01-03 Isetan Building, on Wednesdays to Sundays between 12:30 PM and 7:30 PM. Please arrive only at your chosen time slot and date as your order may not be ready before then.

Alternatively, you may arrange for Grab or Lalamove to pick up the order at your selected time slot.

Please pick up your order within two weeks from your chosen time slot, or the order will be kept without a refund.

What if I won't be home during the delivery slot?

If you're not home during the chosen delivery time, we'll leave your order at your doorstep.

Can I have my order shipped to multiple addresses?

Each order can only be shipped to a single address within Singapore. Please place separate orders for different addresses.

Returns and Refunds

How do I return a product?

Unfortunately, we can't accept returns or exchanges for products in good condition due to safety concerns. If you receive a damaged item, contact us within 24 hours of delivery at+65 82089156 or contactus@tbd.com.sg.

How long will it take to receive my refund?

Refunds are processed within 7 days from when we receive the item(s).

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